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It’s that time of the month again. Actually it's that time of the month right before that time of the month again. PMS. Quite possibly the worst time of the month. EVER. The cramps have kicked in, so has the bloat, and your cravings are making you behave like a Gremlin let out of its cage. Grab the heating pad, your bottle of Advil and come with me to the pantry. Not “panty,” you’re on your own there, “PANTRY!” Guess what? I have a secret for you. A girl’s gotta find a way to “Scratch The Itch” so follow me and I’ll teach you.

Hi! I’m Julianne Osherow aka @julethebee on Instagram. I am NOT a registered dietician, nutritionist or wellness expert. I AM a mom of two (three if you include my new baby, www.julethebee.com) and I live in the woods of Westchester with my husband, our two boys and our Golden Cavadoodle Norman. I was a celebrity personal assistant for 12 years and graduated from the French Culinary Institute what feels like a lifetime ago. I like to think I know a little bit about a lot of things. How to “Scratch The Itch” is one of them.

“Scratching The Itch” means you address your craving. You meet it head on and then you cut left and trick it before the real self sabotage begins.

My strongest PMS cravings can last anywhere between 2-4 days. At 46 years old I cannot afford to fall off the wagon every month for that amount of time. I’m already struggling to get that last 7-10 pounds off! Seemingly perpetually. Insert eyeroll here. Here’s the truth, you can “Scratch The Itch” and fix a craving by getting clever and being educated. And while there are days when I absolutely will reach for that chocolate covered peanut butter cup because nothing else is gonna do, if I choose to stay in the driver's seat, (and let's be honest it’s always a choice,) I’m reaching for a “Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt Raw Rev Glo Bar.”

One bite into it and the Gremlin is tamed.

This bar is as good as taking a spoonful of creamy peanut butter right out of the jar and sprinkling chocolate chips on to the spoon before licking it clean. Wanna know why? Because Raw Rev uses real peanuts and real chocolate chips! With 11 grams of protein and 13 grams of fiber, your itch won't just be scratched you’ll be satisfied for hours.

Back in your cage, Gremlin!


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